High-Risk Merchant

Detailed information on High-Risk Merchant Account 2023

We must first understand what a merchant account is in order to get directly to the high-risk merchant account. What distinguishes a high-risk merchant account from a regular merchant account, and why?

A Merchant Account: What Is It?

A merchant account, which can be obtained from a bank, financial institution, or payment service provider, enables a business to take payments in a variety of ways, including credit cards. Because it permits numerous daily transactions, it is comparable to a current bank account. However, these are often low-risk accounts offered to businesses, which is why they are also known as low-risk merchant accounts.

Why Would A Merchant Account Be High Risk?

A high-risk merchant account, on the other hand, is the same in that it offers numerous other payment acceptance options, such as cryptocurrency, e-wallets, and online card not present payments from credit cards. Additionally, it enables a business to accept payments in a variety of ways and currencies. Banks and financial institutions typically classify a merchant account as high-risk if they believe your company will experience more chargeback’s, fraud, and return volume. The account may be deemed a High-Risk Merchant Account for a variety of reasons, including the nature of the business, erratic demand, legal ambiguity, business structure, a high likelihood of fraud, etc.

Let’s Talk About Why Merchants Are Seen As High-Risk.

A merchant may be classified as a high-risk merchant by the bank for a number of reasons. Additionally, PSPs and Financial Institutions have their own set of standards for identifying high-risk merchants. The following are some examples of factors that all of them believe to be high-risk:

Increased Chargeback’s

Chargeback, which means the charge taken for something is backed, is formed from the phrases charge and back. In a nutshell, its money returned to a credit or debit card due to a phony purchase or returned merchandise. Chargeback’s for goods and services have a larger likelihood for high-risk firms.

As an example, a customer who purchased IPTV services from an IPTV merchant had their subscription automatically renewed. The customer’s bank has been charged with the payment. Later, the client refused to use the services again after failing to recognize the payment. In that situation, the client files a chargeback request to recover his money. This chargeback issue is just one instance of a high-risk industry; there are many more examples accessible.

High-risk merchant account providers have sophisticated three-tier chargeback prevention tolls—pre-transaction, post-transaction, and source detention—to eliminate this issue of friendly and unfriendly chargeback’s.

Higher Probability of Fraud

Fraud is more likely to happen in high-risk industries. Although there are many other kinds of fraud, we must concentrate on financial fraud. In addition to 3D security, AVS and CVV checkers, Fraud scoring (transaction risk scoring), geographic tracking, and PCI-DSS compliance, a high-risk payment gateway provides you with top-notch security. You are protected from fraud by a high-risk merchant account provider using cutting-edge artificial intelligence and cutting-edge technology.

High volume of transactions

The average transaction value of a low-risk merchant is less than $500, whereas a high-risk merchant’s transaction costs more than that and their transaction volume is also significantly higher. Since it’s challenging to keep track of every transaction, this justifies categorizing an account as high-risk. You may track transactions in real-time with a high-risk merchant account, and you regularly receive full transaction reports at the end of each day, week, and month.

Purchasing World Wide

Banks and Financial Institutions will classify your firm as high-risk if it operates on a global scale due to concerns with several currencies, payment methods, and regulatory issues. Depending on where their business is located, a global retailer must take a variety of currencies. Additionally, multinational companies must be able to accept payments made using various payment methods, such as cryptocurrencies and CNP. An international payment gateway will give you the tools to accept payments in any currency, as well as the ability to accept payments through a variety of channels, allowing your business to soar.

The countries identified as high-risk for fraud, excluding the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, and the countries of Europe, may be deemed high-risk if a merchant sells to customers in those nations.

Type of Business

Low-risk businesses deal in things that have a small likelihood of breaking down or going bad, and they also tend to sell things that are long-lasting necessities. However, the company deals with natural products with a high rate of breakdown and decay, as well as high-risk products with a limited lifespan and a specific function. Another example of a high-risk market is the one for intangible commodities, where products and services are provided online without a physical location. The following industries are typically regarded as high-risk businesses: travel, furniture, food, e-commerce, online gaming, gambling, casinos, adult or sex toys market, escort services, and forex market.

As we’ve already mentioned, traditional financial institutions do not offer merchant accounts to these companies. All of these companies can get merchant accounts from a PSP or high-risk merchant account provider. Occasionally, a small number of PSPs create accounts with enhanced features that include both high-risk and industry-specific capabilities in response to the needs of the business. PSPs can offer several special features that can boost sales for merchants.

As an illustration, Bridge2pay is a PSP that offers feature-rich, industry-specific merchant accounts. They offer a unique E-commerce merchant account for online retailers and a Forex merchant account for enterprises that let customer’s trade currencies. Similar to Bridge2pay, which has specific accounts for the expanding leisure market, there are also accounts for adult toys and escorts. This type of account facilitates easier shopping and ultimately aids in client retention and revenue growth.

Numerous additional factors, such as unstable demand, a bad credit rating, and the availability of advance booking for certain goods and services, the presence of a new competitor in the market, etc. can also make a firm regarded high risk.

Why High-Risk Merchants Demand More Money

If you’re looking for an explanation, there is only one word that will do: high-risk. The percentage of chargeback’s and scams is quite high in high-risk industries. A high-risk merchant account provider rather than a low-risk one must use cutting-edge security technology, cutting-edge fraud protection tools, and cutting-edge chargeback prevention solutions in order to protect you from these crucial challenges. Charges for this constantly improving technology are more than low risk.

Another element that drives up the cost of a high-risk merchant account is international credit card processing. Additional services that contribute to the increase in fees include the acceptance of many currencies and alternative payment methods.

A high-risk merchant may be asked to sign a contract with lengthier terms, pay an early termination fee, or make recurring monthly or yearly payments. The payment processor may deduct a portion of your earnings from high-risk merchant accounts in order to continue verifying that your transactions were valid and unlikely to result in a dispute. This practice is known as a rolling reserve.

Get High-Risk Merchant Account Information

While getting a high-risk merchant account is more difficult than getting one for a low-risk firm, there are some tactics you may use to go more quickly in that direction.

By working with a respected high-risk merchant account service provider with expertise in high-risk payment processing, high-risk merchants can hasten the acceptance process. In order to finally speed up the application and approval processes, the partner we work with must have a solid track record and extensive knowledge in the relevant industry. Of course, the paperwork must also be correctly finished.

Before submitting an application for a high-risk merchant account, the owner of a high-risk firm must verify the authenticity of the supporting documentation. It’s imperative to be completely transparent with your account service provider about every aspect of your business. Merchants frequently fabricate information, which could lead to account rejection. Since lying or misrepresenting facts about your company will almost always result in your merchant account being suspended, refused, or terminated, it is preferable to be sincere in your application process.

Have the necessary paperwork on hand.

It is typically advised to have all required documentation on hand before applying for a high-risk merchant account to speed up the approval process.

A company website is the first prerequisite. All of the merchandise that your business sells online must be available on your website. Processors will have more faith in your legitimacy if your pertinent policies are available for clients to check.

Additionally, you might be asked to provide the following documents:

  • High-risk merchant account application completed and signed
  • Original photo IDs, such as a passport or driver’s license, are required.
  • latest utility statement, possibly a gas or electricity bill (to verify physical address)
  • A check cancellation that clearly states the business name.
  • Three months’ worth of bank statements (to ensure that the company is functioning and operating);
  • your personal bank accounts latest three months’ worth of records
  • Business plan and strategy
  • A certificate or the company’s bylaws
  • Memorandum and articles of incorporation
  • A certificate or an article of occupancy
  • The partnership contract, if appropriate
  • Directors’ certification or a comparable document
  • A document proving the directors’ current address
  • resumes for the owners and, if necessary, authority signatures
  • A copy of the agreements with


In the article, we learned the definition of a high-risk business and the importance of payment service providers in the market because they give the majority of merchants the ability to conduct business. Now you are aware of the difference in pricing between low-risk and high-risk merchant account providers. We have also gone into depth on how to swiftly obtain the high-risk payment gateway. The market has hundreds of PSPs, but we advise you to use Bridge2pay because it is one of the few that offers specialized industry merchant accounts with high-risk and industrial characteristics.

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